What’s in my Pantry?
So we are officially in full swing of back to school and that means- I can never have enough food in the house for my 2 boys! They are forever snacking and eating on repeat! I try to find a healthy balance of foods to keep stocked in the pantry, although I always prefer if they snack from the fresh options in the fridge but….I’m not a superhero- so here is our pantry as of (almost) October 1! I stocked up today at BJs and Walmart.
First of all, I LOVE my pantry- I know that sounds weird but in our old house we had 2 cupboards in the island and that simply was not enough room- so when we moved into this house, I was VERY excited to organize and set up this space! Plenty of room!
Looks at all of that space! Why are there so many water bottles 😩
Snacks that I always keep on hand that they are loving these days are: Birthday Made Good bars (the pink ones), the Nutella snack packs, Nature's Valley cinnamon/brown sugar oatmeal squares, cashews, goldfish, pretzels, Oreo's (my guilty pleasure) and blueberry fig bars. I feel like they cycle through what they like which is why I hesitate to buy in bulk because next week they could tell me that they 'don't like that anymore.' They know my rule though- finish these snacks before we restock! (We were VERY low this weekend and I heard about it 1,000 times.) The bottom shelf is the infamous basket of never ending water bottles and boxed foods (pasta, pancake mix, crackers, etc) I know there are better ideas for water bottles out there- feel free to share in the comments!
I love these little clear bins (HomeGoods) to keep the snacks contained, visible, and predictable. The boys always know where to find certain items.
Let’s see how long these snacks last- my guess is 7-10 days! Drop any other teen-age boy snack ideas into the comments! Have a wonderful Monday!