Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

Perfect ‘anytime’ snack!

My boys goes crazy for these little balls of energy. With 5 ingredients and only 5 minutes you can see what all the fuss is about! I found them on Pinterest and add my own little twist of ingredients- try them!

Ingredients (this makes about 8):

1 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup peanut butter (or any substitute)

1/4 cup honey or agave

1 tablespoon chia seeds (and/or flax seeds)

Sprinkle of cinnamon

Handful of mini dark chocolate chips (yum)

Combine all of the dry ingredients then mix in the PB and honey. Mix with your hands and roll into bite size balls- pop them in the fridge and enjoy!

Happy snacking! Follow me on Pinterest for more sweet treat ideas and other fall fun!



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Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

Blanket Making Parties!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit one of these chunky blankets! No knitting needles! All you need is your hands!

Cozy Carmel offers blanket making parties- AKA a great excuse to get a group of people together to mingle, catch up and learn a new skill! My girls and I are always looking for excuses to have a girls night- not that we need one but if we all had a ‘class’ to go to on Thursday night, who can argue with that?

So here’s how it works. All of the info is linked on my website under Team Building and House Parties. We offer two different options but today I’m talking all things house parties. We come to YOU! I’ll bring the yarn and all of the supplies needed to create your very own blanket to keep as your own, give as a gift or donate to children in need (more info available on this). Cozy Carmel comes to your home or location of your choice (this could be a local restaurant, retail store, brewery, winery…..). We are flexible- each guest can make their own blanket or guests can work in small groups. Kids love this too! I actually had a little girl yesterday ask me if I did birthday parties! I sure do! She wants to have her friends over to make blankets- how cute is that?! I’m picturing lots of pink and purple yarn!

I provide step by step instruction to create the blanket of your choice. Guests can knit a 1/2 size blanket (about 1.5 hours and 2 skeins of yarn) or a standard size blanket (2 hours and 4 skeins of yarn). I show up 1/2 hour prior to your scheduled event to set up and the party begins! Here’s the BEST PART—the host benefits! 10% of each order placed on the day of the party will be considered host credit towards Cozy Carmel purchases (to be used w/in 30 days!)

With the holidays slowly creeping up, this is a great event to host with your friends, colleagues, or family! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Happy Sunday!



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Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

Cozy Carmel’s Backstory

Today I am preparing to head over to Middleboro, MA for the infamous Sip & Stroll {from 4-7pm YOU should definitely check it out!} It is an amazing event with 90+ vendors with an outdoor air market feel, friendly faces, fun music, full bar, raffles and food trucks! I have been doing this stroll for 3 years now and it is always hands down my most lucrative event- I am forever grateful for this Sip & Stroll. One question that I always get is, “When did you start Cozy Carmel?” or “What inspired you to start knitting blankets?” I love this question AND it is deeply personal. My boys are teenagers, 13 and 14 years old. They are very aware of the world around them and the fact that I am all over social media. They are picky about what I am ‘allowed’ to post about them, which pictures are ‘good enough’ to use on my social accounts and how much of their lives I share. I get that. I respect that, which is why I have never truly shared the origin of Cozy Carmel….until now.

{Deep breath} For those of you who know me, you know I am a true believer in communication in its truest form. Have the conversations, even the hard ones, talk it out, communication is key. I like to talk about EVERYTHING! I have also struggled with anxiety for years. In the past, I attached this negative stigma to anxiety and especially to taking anxiety meds. Two years ago I finally decided that it was time. I called the doctor and took the meds and man what a difference it made! It helped me to make better decisions for myself and my family. It’s safe to say that we were in crisis mode over here. My house was not a safe place, physically or emotionally. Unfortunately, my younger son also suffers from anxiety and it was coming out in the form of aggression (physical and verbal) towards me and my home. Have you ever lived in fear of your son? It’s gut wrenching, to say the least. I was in a constant state of fight or flight. If anyone else was treating me the way that he was, I would have left and never looked back. But, he’s my son. I had to help him. So began our journey with many doctors, hospital visits, ambulance transports, medication trials, therapists and in home services. It was a process, a gut wrenching, exhausting, seemingly never ending, process. I couldn’t see an end in sight. I felt trapped, defeated and hopeless. I needed a distraction. I kept seeing these large knit blankets posted on Etsy and Pinterest (follow me on pinterest- love my fall boards!) and I wanted to learn how to make one! So I watched a few YouTube videos, went to Michael’s to buy the yarn and started knitting. My first few blankets were horrendous (they are still in my basement as a reminder of how far I have come). I kept going, I persevered- anything to keep my mind, and my hands, busy. Completing blankets was satisfying and the response that I was getting from my family and friends was fulfilling. So I started selling them and was pleasantly surprised by the response. Fast forward a few months and Cozy Carmel was born. I had a purpose and a ‘job’ outside of a mother trying desperately to fight for her son. When he was meeting with therapists and doctors, both inside our home and in their office, I would knit. I kept my mind and my hands busy. I’m tearing up writing this because if you are mother of a kid who struggles on any level you understand the never ending fight that is motherhood. My son is a completely different person today. I truly enjoy spending time with him. We did the hard work, I never gave up (even though there were plenty of days when I insisted that I couldn’t do it one more day.) I leaned into my family and friends DAILY and they got me through. My son is often described now as the most kind, gentle, happy go lucky kid they know. He is coming into his own and I honestly enjoy spending time with him. He makes me laugh, genuinely cares about how I feel, never leaves a room without telling me that he loves me and enjoys spending time with ME! The hard work paid off and continues to pay off. Mental health is a journey and he will continue to become the best version of himself with ongoing therapy and having the hard conversations. I’ll never give up on him. Advocating for him was the best thing I ever did- I got my son back! And found this hidden talent of knitting! So there is the real story of how Cozy Carmel was born. Have the hard conversations, normalize mental health struggles, keep talking and NEVER lose sight of who you are and what you want.

Now I need to go for a run because that was the most vulnerable and honest post I have ever done.



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Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

What is an Educational Advocate?

Have you ever wondered what an educational advocate does? Check out this post where I truly explain our role and hopefully shift your thinking from 'yikes' to 'yay'!

Sometimes educators hear the words ‘educational advocate’ and immediately go on the defense. My goal is to shift that thinking. What is an educational advocate and why do we need them? I found this online….. “An educational advocate is someone with extensive knowledge about special education programs, 504 Plans, IEPs, and academic support that students can receive. This person educates parents, children and teens about the resources available to them and how to acquire each resource, as needed. Think of an educational advocate as a coach and a cheerleading squad, all in one. They can show you the steps, complete certain tasks on your behalf, and build your confidence through each milestone.” Not so scary now, right? I personally like the reference to the cheerleading squad. I also like to think of educational advocates as translators. There is a specific language and list of terms that exist in the field of education and educational advocates have the knowledge to be able to break this down for parents, translate, to make all of the fancy big words make sense when planning for their child. Just like when we talk to doctors, specialists, or financial planners, wouldn’t it be nice to truly understand all of the lingo they are referring to? If you get a good doctor they will explain what is going on so that us non-doctors can easily understand what is going on in our bodies…..but some simply use the official medical terms and I leave feeling like….what did he just say? Same for schools….words like least restrictive environment, 504 plan, individual educational plan (IEP), progress monitoring, curriculum based measures (CBMs), tiered interventions, response to intervention, differentiation, inclusion, explicit instruction, multi sensory approach, executive functioning and accommodations might sound intimidating to families when they are hearing these terms for the first time. Educators went to school for education and are supposed to be familiar with these terms. Parents (who are not educators) might feel like this is a completely foreign language. Enter the educational advocate…..we can translate what this all means and be a cheerleader for the student to receive exactly what he/she needs in order to be the best version of themselves. Let’s be honest, we all want what is best for kids. So let’s shift our thinking to ‘educational advocates are one more cheerleader who will sit around the table for Johnny as an objective person to help the team plan for him to be able to reach all of his educational goals.’ I was a teacher for 20 years, I get it. I worked as a special educator and a regular educator. I’ve sat at the table as the teacher explaining the IEP to parents and as a parent listening to her son’s needs being explained to her. These conversations can be difficult to digest. There is a large emotional component when we talk about our kids. Like I said, we want what is best for them, right? So let’s welcome the advocates as one more person who wants to see Johnny succeed! Advocates are not scary or there to make the school’s life difficult. We want to have open, honest communication with the team to better understand the student and plan for his/her success. We are there to translate for the parents in a calm and organized way. We want to work with schools to discuss all the options available. I have the utmost respect for teachers and administrators. They are amazing human beings. I am proud to have called myself a teacher for 20 years and am ecstatic to continue to be in the field of education as an advocate at Levy Advocacy. So the next time you hear the phrase educational advocate, think YAY!….another cheerleader for Johnny!


Stacey, the not-so-scary educational advocate

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Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

Life after the classroom

If you have been following me for at least 6 months then you know that this is a HUGE transition year for me! If not, quick recap…..I was a teacher for 20 years in the same district. I started as a special education teacher in a middle school, then elementary school. I spent the last 8 years in my own 5th grade classroom and I LOVED it….until I didn’t. I just knew it was time for a change. I can’t explain it, I just felt this overwhelming calm that there was something more waiting for me on the other side of the classroom. I didn’t have a plan in motion. I’m more of ‘jump, then figure it out’ gal….trusting that it will all work out. Now, don’t get me wrong, I had many sleepless nights this past summer wondering ‘what did I do?!?!?!?!?!?’ (don’t let instagram fool you…..yes I traveled lots but I didn't pay for a thing ….more on that later). I was nervous AND excited and always kept coming back to ….it just feels right!

Everyone kept asking me what I was going to do and I said all of the right things but truly didn’t have anything ‘officially’ lined up. Honestly, I thrived off of the reaction of my family and friends who undoubtedly supported me. Very few people questioned my intentions and ‘leap then logic’ mentality. So I thought….well if this many people who I love and respect believe in me (and my gut is telling me I’m doing the right thing) then I MUST be on to something great!

So I took the leap….and I LOVE IT! My life is nowhere near perfect and I still have so much to figure out but I’m happy and balancing three jobs where I am thriving! I feel fulfilled. I didn’t realize how trapped I felt having to leave the house every single day at the same time and stay in one building until the bell released me at 3:45…..only to rush home to my ‘mom duties,’ revisit teaching duties while trying to watch TV, spend quality time with my kids and fall asleep on the couch by 9pm. Repeat for 5 days in a row from September through June…I was tired, and losing my sparkle. Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching and have THE MOST RESPECT for teachers- they truly are THE BEST HUMANS!

So now my days are mine to organize- I am an education advocate at Levy Advocacy and I feel so fulfilled! I am still in the field of education, working with wonderful families and school districts, just from a different lens! I am also an adjunct professor at Providence College (my alma mater!) teaching Methods in Literacy to 10 fabulous sophomores and I couldn’t be happier. That job is surreal- to walk around PC campus (or skip with a big smile on my face) as a member of the faculty rather than student- how lucky am I?! And of course….Cozy Carmel, my small business! I have so much more time to be creative (did you see the pumpkins?!), commit to shows (so many fall festivals!) and take more orders. I make my own schedule and I feel like I can breath. I am available for my 2 boys, both physically and emotionally. I have this new sense of calm and I am excited for what is to come! Because let’s be honest, money pays the bills, not a gut feeling and a leap of faith. So if you are sitting there thinking that you are envious of my life after the classroom- don’t be when you get your next consistent paycheck LOL. If you are an educator reading this, you are AMAZING and your skills are transferrable (more on this in a later post). If you are thinking of a career or life change, sit with it. Listen to your gut. YOU GOT THIS!



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Stacey Souza Stacey Souza

Homemade Pesto with pasta, veggies and chicken!

Easy weeknight meal that the whole family will love! You'll have the whole family around the table in under 30 minutes! Let me know how it goes!

Recipe for Homemade Pesto with Sauteed Veggies and Chicken


1 pound pasta or rice/quinoa of your choice

2 Large chicken breasts (pre cooked)

1 eggplant

1 bag green beans

1 container cherry tomatoes

Salt, pepper, olive oil


1 container of pine nuts

BASIL - so much basil - at least 2 containers or 2 big handfuls 

1 cup olive oil

Juice of one lemon

*food processor

To make the pesto,

  • Lightly toast the pine nuts on low heat until they are a light brown

  • Add toasted pine nuts to food processor (yes they can go in hot)

  • Add basil to food processor (save some to garnish if you would like)

  • Add one cup olive oil

  • Add juice of one lemon

  • salt  & pepper to taste

  • Blend it up in the food processor

  • Taste, add more salt, pepper, lemon, olive oil, basil to your liking

To make the veggie mix,

  • Olive oil in a pan on medium heat

  • Cube one medium- large size eggplant, throw into the olive oil pan

  • Chop the green beans, throw into the pan

  • Wash the tomatoes and into the pan they go

  • Cube the chicken into bite size pieces and into the pan (b/c it is pre-cooked!)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Toss, simmer, low heat with lid

Boil water for pasta or rice, cook according to instructions on package

When the pasta is done, combine with ALL of the pesto and sprinkle with parm cheese!

Time to plate! Add pasta, then top with veggies and chicken, sprinkle parm cheese and fresh basil!


Any veggies work well with this dish, you could add onions, sweet potatoes, squash- so many options!

ENJOY and happy cooking!

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